Experience the warmth and ruach (atmosphere) of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services at JCoB this September, as usual in our marquee next to the rose garden and surrounded by greenery with occasional birdsong - not your typical synagogue venue!
Our services are musical and intellectually stimulating (we are a community who love to sing together). Services are led by Rabbi Zvi with the help of his son Gavriel and the Solomons family choir. Rabbi Zvi's shofar is the best blast for miles, and we have a kiddush on Rosh Hashanah and a break fast after Neilah to enhance your experience. There are explanations to make sure you are up with what is happening, everyone feels included and is encouraged to join in, and the community is welcoming and friendly. For families, we also offer a range of activities and facilities, including children's services, a playground and Jewish children's books and toys, so that your children feel welcome and do not get bored, and Rebbetzin Shira also enables children to be active participants in the main service. When we blow the shofar, all the children are invited to the bimah. Beside the services themselves, Rabbi Zvi is happy for you to browse his extensive library of Jewish literature and philosophy, so that you can learn while taking in the atmosphere. The services will follow the Koren Machzor, according to the traditional Anglo-Jewish minhag, as in the old Routledge machzorim. Our services are kosher and strictly according to Halacha, under the supervision of the only Orthodox Rabbi resident in Berkshire. As always, we welcome guests at meals over yom tov. Please contact Rebbetzin Shira if you require hospitality. Your donations are appreciated so that we can afford to have an open house. This year, Rosh Hashanah falls on Wednesday night and Friday-Saturday 3-4 October. Yom Kippur falls on Friday night and Saturday 12 October. |