The children were fascinated to see the photos of sacred sites in Jerusalem, including those special to our own faith.
We really appreciated the fact that you highlighted links between our faiths so the children could see similarities. The children enjoyed watching / listening to Rabbi Zvi praying in Hebrew.
By communicating well with the school, the sessions were very relevant to our topic work and either introduced or extended the learning in RE.
Rabbi Zvi held the children's attention with his interesting and charismatic storytelling. The children loved tasting the bread and juice as well as seeing all the articles, including the blowing of the shofar! - Mrs Ingham - RE Co-ordinator Engaging delivery which holds children's attention. Children are able see how practising Jews use the artefacts and learn first hand, the symbolism and meanings attached to these. Children are also given an insight into the direct links with Christianity which although they learn in school, become more pertinent when they come directly from the Rabbi. We value these sessions as CPD for teachers as well. Rabbi Zvi, thank you so much for a fantastic talk via Zoom with us! The children absolutely loved it, they learnt so much and were really well engaged with the session.
It has really enhanced their learning experience this year. Please could you thank Rabbi Zvi Solomons for a very informative presentation. My class loved it and it was an excellent start to Faith Week as the children begin to learn about Judaism.
- Year 3 class Thank-you so much, St John's really enjoyed Rabbi Zvi's virtual visit last week. It really helped engage and interest children in their learning about Judaism and helped 'bring it to life' for them in a way we could not have achieved ourselves.
I liked the interaction with different classes specifically, made the children feel directly involved. - Marian Lally, year 2 teacher We liked the props and interactive opportunities. The children enjoyed the opportunities to answer and ask lots of questions! Rabbi was highly knowledgeable and shared lots of information with adults to follow up with after the session to help further inform children. Despite the workshop being virtual, the children were very engaged. It was highly interactive, with lots of questions being posed to the children, and the stories were appropriate for their level so they could access them easily.
The children engaged well with the Rabbi's stories - he has a wonderful tone!
They also enjoyed examining the props closely to make links with what he was teaching them. - Emily Woodward, RE Subject Leader Thank you SO MUCH to Rabbi Zvi, our children were delighted to meet him and really enjoyed learning so much about Judaism. We found everything Rabbi Zvi said very informative and interesting.
Despite the lesson being online it was interactive and the Rabbi had a variety of visual objects to support and engage learners.
- Nafees Aslam, Head of Religious Education He has a lovely energy and good story teller. Rabi Zvi was able to catch the attention of our younger students who can be very fidgety.
It was perfectly pitched to all our year groups. Rabbi Zvi was really engaging and the children really enjoyed it. The story he told and getting them to join in was lovely. It was also great when he showed the children different objects which are important in the Jewish religion.
Thank you - the children really learnt a lot. - Mrs Charlotte Whittle, Head Teacher "It was really great talking and listening to someone who knew so much about Rosh Hashanah and It was fun seeing all of the different things that he had with him too!"
- Year 6 student The year 5 children love meeting him each year and learning about Judaism. They are captivated by his storytelling and wonderful manner. Rabbi Zvi was amazing and the children and staff were all so engaged. The children really enjoyed working with the objects and hearing about how they are all used. Thank you for the inspiring talk you gave the children last week in St.Peter's School. I picked my daughter up and her friend after school, who came for a playdate, and they were chattering away very happily about what they had learnt - some even I didn't know about which they thought was fun! (Alison, parent)
Great interaction with the children, they were engaged and came away with a better understanding of Judaism and other religions including Islam and Christianity.
Enjoyed how the Rabbi was encouraging the children to think deeper about why there are particular religious practices… asking the children many why questions. The children thoroughly enjoyed the session. The children really enjoyed the sessions and gained a greater understanding of worship in the synagogue. The Year 4 lead teacher said to me that the Rabbi was able to adapt his style of teaching to suit our cohort of children, who are predominantly Muslim and Christian, and he was able to draw comparisons between these faiths and the Jewish faith to make it even more engaging and relevant for them. We appreciate the effort that the Rabbi made during his visit to our school.
(Olivia Ormerod, RE coordinator) Pitched the talk PERFECTLY for our children who have behaviour difficulties, ASD and ADHD. Kept them interested throughout. Absolutely BRILLIANT!
(Mary Farmer, class teacher) Rabbi Zvi is a great story teller! The assembly was wonderful and the message from the story was one all the children could relate to. Our KS2 children really enjoyed the stories he told in the workshops and we felt they learnt a lot from meeting Rabbi Zvi. (Wendy Soar, RE subject leader) The Rabbi engaged the children with his knowledge. The children enjoyed having things to look at and wear. This made the session very hands-on. The children most certainly learnt a lot about Judaism. (Leanne Harris, HeadTeacher) The abundance of knowledge the Rabbi shared with the children at an appropriate level of learning was great, sharing jokes and interacting well with them. He also made good links with other religions that helped our multi-cultural catchment, as well as the British Values we hold here. The children also really enjoyed the prayer shawls, kippurs and the range of resources used. (Kathryn Barnes, class teacher)
E P Collier Primary School Rabbi Zvi provided a wonderful introduction to Judaism especially as we do not have any Jewish children in our school. His story telling skills captivated the children and staff and children all learnt such a lot. I really appreciated his respectful attitude towards other religions. (Brenda Rolfe, class teacher) |
January 2025